Baldur’s Gate 3 – the game is quite voluminous, players can spend more than one hundred hours to see everything that the world can offer. Therefore, it is difficult to understand that Larian Studios really cut out a lot of things from the final version, some of them – just a few weeks before the full release. One devoted fan gathered all this together so that we could see what could be.

Vasgoraath compiled a complete list of cut content, which was confirmed in an interview with developers or collected by Datamainers. The result was an impressive collection of functions, many of which are significant fragments of gameplay, which could completely change the way we are now playing Baldur’s Gate 3. This includes everything: from entire studied areas to missing romance options.

Let’s start with the largest – from the upper city (The Upper City), a huge territory that was cut out of the final version of the game just a couple of weeks before the launch and which could be completely explored. This was announced by the co -founder of Larian, Sven Vink, and recently Datamainers also found out that this location would be extremely important for the completion of the Karlau storyline. I will not go into details, as it is quite spoiled, but the whole list can be found here.

It also became known that some characters had to play a much larger role in the plot, including a ministry. From the found vocal remarks it follows that your companions could say much more about the Mintar, and it is even believed that she had to become pregnant. The option of romantic relations was also cut out, since the dialogue options that would allow you to call Jaheir were removed from the final version of the game for an unknown reason.

There are also signs that the latest stages of development in Larian were somewhat duplicate, since a huge number of materials from the third act never fell into the final version of the game. Thousands of lines of companions dialogs were removed from the third act, and the game should have been included in the game "Full epilogue scenes", which would make up 17,000 options for the endings with which Larian boasted before launch, but they were also canceled in favor of a simple transition to a black screen.

Of course, there is nothing new to this for games, because a bunch of cool things is almost always on the shelf. However, it is interesting to see what could be, and these carved concepts can even hint at future DLCs.

Well, in general, we are waiting for Definitive Edition, where part of all this is particularly returned, because there is right now it is a shame and not the ending

‘“Because there is right now it is a shame’ ‘?

Well, in Redt, a lot of people confirm noticeable gaps by the end of the game, at 3 act, I notice that the satellites began to talk less. And there they write from the promised 17k endings a black screen without slides, this is of course a setup. There is no upper city, it’s a shame. The use of parasites does not seem to affect the final, cholera! The whole game refrained from using parasites . Most importantly, performance which is reduced by the end of the game to a ridiculous level.

"The whole game refrained from using parasites"

And the guest from the dreams says "Thank you for developing so to confront the absolute", hinting at the use of larvae

This is where such a dialogue was? It seemed to me an emperor in a personal meeting, on the contrary, noted that I was surprised how far I went without the use of my abilities. But he believes that you can’t do without an upgrade. And it is advisable to get that special larva soon

It was just there where he discovered himself. He spoke all the time, they say, they fell out, and then says, it developed cool, although I did not put a single larva into the brain.

I also offered a special larva.

The game has a lot of fork and completely different dialogs in different places, maybe I caught a bug, but you – no)

P.S. I’m Karllae, for example, my head demolished, but the demoness still punished Will for disobedience.

It’s a shame for the replicas of the companions, but the epilot scenes are cut out, the ass is burning in general, the game is excellent, but the epilogue, this is what is missing, and this is exactly what it was necessary to leave in any layouts.

If you recall the ending of DOS2. Although. No, it’s better not to remember. On the other hand, I completely agree that I would like to see the epilogue with the listing of all your actions and the consequences from them.

But what about the scene of Sekas on the beach, as well as conversations that she wants to start a family with GG and will settled down where in the wilderness? She still rolled me a scandal that I changed her with a demonian by a ministry)))

Sekas on the beach went great for me, okly there you teach her to swim (which will come in handy in the end).
And yet this is before the end.
I personally did not really have about my family, I had it:

Therefore, I do not quite understand what you are talking about.
And yet, this is only 1 scene after the end, 1.
And that’s it.
And I wanted like in a witcher or something, they say
With Ciri that
With Yenifer
But all the same, I love the game very much and is extremely happy for Larian, I hope for their further success in the future.

Therefore, I will ask you, otherwise I haven’t found an answer anywhere (but soon I myself can find out in 2 passage)

Is it possible to free Shadow from the ball and save parents at the same time?
I did not see this in any guide

I personally have turned into luminous balls and flew away, they say, they did not die completely, but Shadow caught depression

It’s a shame for Karlah. It stupidly cut a good ending, leaving only bad.

In general, that is, the endings where she remains alive, for example, in the end of the villain, playing either her or gg. She herself returned to Averno or with her can go to Averno either GG or Will. Or she became Itylid, but is completely induced.So not everything is so simple.

No, everything is just just. These endings for those who did not develop its chain of tasks. But the true good was removed since its final stage was held in the upper city.

Here I read on Reddite, and honestly, there is one of two -either there will be a case as with Vampire: The Masquarade Bloodline and Kotor -mo, where the models themselves were introduced and restored to the game. Or, Larian will add this content in the future. Although, honestly, something in this regard I doubt the expense of Larianov. There is more chances to say that models will say – hold my beer and add all this content. Well, plus, they will translate into different languages, if you have to.

In general, it would be interesting to hear the words of the developers to hear about this. But even they are in no hurry to answer. As for the mods, as they write there, everything rests on limited tools and they say that you can’t do the content of the content + Mokap,

It is also hard to believe that everything cut out will be returned. Well, at least with the endings, carved dialogs and performance should be decided, otherwise it is ugly somehow.

If I remember correctly the same mod for the possibility of editing the character. Then there seems to be there the problem of its development in the fact that some of the possibilities in the game are tightly blocked. This is what? It is possible that the cut content was cut out not just like that and they will add something, otherwise, or a) the models will find a way to get around b) as they say – a muzzle with a poppy.

Definitely not just. Judging by the comments, something was cut out, because they considered it unsuccessful, but this affected the fact that they did not plan to cut out and led to failures. Therefore, they cut more. Starfield was frightened by the campaign or there was no longer the opportunity to pull with the release.

If the vampire has: the masquerade and Kotor had problems, then I will not understand what happened to the witcher and the masses of the effect.

Procedes released the updated version with mods that made the game more trunk (the same nonsense from Skyrim). I remember when the 3rd part only came out, there was a task that was called: an omelet for a yennifer or scrambled eggs, I don’t remember exactly. There you need to feed Ian while she supported the health of the mind. Fucking understand why they cut it out.

EA rolled out a light edish that for nobody needs nobody, and even with carved content.

The witcher was cut out 20-30 hours of content. I don’t know how much the masses have.

EA and non -poor prostects. Babla and employees with a shaft. What prevents them from restoring cut out content.

Larias seemed to say that they did not plan to release DLS yet and this does not encourage.

If the modders restore content, then there are no guarantees that all these events will have their own trail in 4 parts of Baldur. And this is the most offensive

Remind you pliz, and what was cut into LE? I passed it purely because of the first part, but I walked all 3 times on the way that I wanted and did not notice the problems. I do not consider the pirate base in the first part, since it was cooperation with models or even such. I really wonder what kind of lost piece from Vanila I did not notice

By the way, it is felt. With Mintara and Jahera, especially in comparison with the rest of the companions, they are some kind of chopped off. And with a ministar, if you approach the fake druid in the circus, there is an opportunity to zoom in a romantic illusion of revelations, and that’s all)

With mining – yes, everything is fine with Jaheira, it joins the third act, but has two separate personal quests and many opinions for each occasion.

Yes, for example, 16998 endings of which we were talked about before the release.

You are simple to misunderstood their words.

Once cut it out – let them sew back! And then a stub, it turns out.

Personally, I felt offended during my passage that part of the content was cut off from the companions to this conclusion when I switched to 2 act. And spent most of his time in search of "The repair of the Carlae’s heart" After I learned that she generally counted this episode with a quest. They will sew up for a long time. )

Nevertheless, in this "stump" more content than in all games taken together, published recently.

So no one argues. "I’m even happy to play". Just probably now we will expect the addition of content that was cut. )

In terms of? In the second act, you just come to the blacksmith in the camp of the Harper, he repairs it, you can make hugs and/or start a novel with it. Of course, in order for this to work, it is necessary for the blacksmith to be alive) otherwise yes, you will have to look for a long time)

In terms of? In the second act, you just come to the blacksmith in the camp of the Harper, he repairs it, you can make hugs and/or start a novel with it. Of course, in order for this to work, it is necessary for the blacksmith to be alive) otherwise yes, you will have to look for a long time)

For this I know. The fact is that the quest has been cut off in the Karllah, this can be seen simply by passing her quest! As a result, you are not allowed to do anything with her and complete her quest on the norms of the end and put up with what is. I just hope that the Larins will listen to the fans and return the cut content with her as well as with other companions. )

What are the 17k endings if the couple that is – look unfinished. How much heiteli at one time the mass effect 3 for "traffic light", although in general everything was logical there and satisfied. BG 3 is completely unsatisfactory.. I’m angry for the 2nd day. Daaa urgently need the DLC with a continuation after the credits, with a continuation, and not a lush. The size of a full -fledged act, no less.

Well, knowing Larian, they didn’t cut them out rather, but for now they did not get and turned off, especially since the game had to be released a month earlier, and they clearly needed this month – I think that something would be restored from this in the nearest patches, and in the extreme case in the final edition (although I think you don’t have to wait for a long time, especially since the players ask about it in Fidbek and Larian knows about it.

I don’t know what they zamino, it is most likely. We are waiting for Definitive Edition!

It is sad, so many interesting content was cut off

Good game, but comment on the fact that the elections on everything affect and here very important elections did not understand. I myself have not yet questioned it, in the second act, but I don’t see some super impact of the elections, and in the comments among the exclamations about the super-shoes I often see that the comment is lost, that the elections are not given and at the end the main choice is either the main choice or in case of a bad path of the hero, this just cuts half the game. This is of course.

Immediately I recall Dragon Age Origins, where each race had its own beginning and the elections often influenced giving one or another branch of tasks and relationships, as the ends actually were different from the elections that the player made during the game. Well, actually, DAO and developers of the first BG did.

It is not necessary to go far, those who made Tao even during the time of King Gorokh made Kotor and NWN, and in the first choice, so well on the plot influenced the character, and in the second to all this is also the most developed game of forgotten kingdoms to date (This is the same universe as BG3, only the editors are different)

Recently, I decided to outplay in NWN, I thought a prism of time, it seems to me that BG3 looks somehow poorer (not in terms of graphics)

As it turned out, no, does not seem

Dude, the elections are very affected. The choice of the villainous path closes some doors, quests, dialogs and outrage, but opens others that are closed and inaccessible with a good version. Olso, the Sopartians can change under the influence of the hero, and finish as stubborn psychopaths or nurses surrounded by pony and rainbows. The mechanics of the consequences of decisions made are very implemented here.

Dude, the elections are very affected. The choice of the villainous path closes some doors, quests, dialogs and outrage, but opens others that are closed and inaccessible with a good version.

Which? Give examples) you yourself played for the villain?

Because everyone who played for the villain complains that even if you follow the path of the villain and, for example, hang out from a mining station, then in the end it breaks off and has no line to the end of the game, unlike the good path along which the development will be complete development of the characters. There is a huge number of complaints to this that the villain is not able to recoup, because not half of the game disappears, everything. And this is not to mention the fact that you can kill everyone in act 1, and then go and do not care for everyone that you killed a bunch of people. Nobody knows that you are a villain, no one is afraid of you. There are no reactions to your atrocities. It was even in Fable, which is two hundred years old.

And you write that all the ZBS opens up new doors, quests, dialogs and inaccuations. I wanted to hear examples.

Olso, the Sopartians can change under the influence of the hero, and finish as stubborn psychopaths or nurses surrounded by pony and rainbows. The mechanics of the consequences of decisions made are very implemented here.

Not everyone can. Karlak will say that you are a fool and leave. Or worse, you have to kill her. Will will not appreciate either. ¯ \ _ (ツ) _/¯

Of the minuses, I have no relationship with Will, Gale and Orkini (I forgot the name), but for no reason I can have a relationship with them. How? Why? In DAO, you needed to win the heart of a partner in order to relax with him, and then the bun – "go fuck".

I’m playing the game right now. I am finishing the act 2. I still did not see that there were some consequences for decisions in Act 1)

OFORS, at the moment there are two passages – one white and fluffy, where everything is saved on the bright side of the Force, and one for Dark Urge, where the Glaverorea becomes an absolute. In the course of history there are several points that you will come to, despite the elections, but "How" And "Why" have enough spaciousness for playing. In fairness, in a white and fluffy content there is really more, because if you survive for all the bad people stupidly more than the people and retains free will, accordingly you can give more quests, but there is a certain devilish charm in the style of a lecturer and some kind of passage. -What katsets and dialogs, which in good passage can not be seen.

About examples of differences, offhand here:

If you go beyond Dark Urge, you have a demonic footman who pushes to create all sorts of indecent and rewards with different nishtyaks if you succumb to. Olso, Glahero Amnesia, you need to find people who knew him in the past and can tell who he is. In the first act, if you choose the druids – you lose to a ministry, you get a halsin. If you choose goblins, on the contrary. They are both cut characters with disabilities and strange novels, in my opinion the replacement of equivalent. On the satellites – your decisions in the first act are inspired by Astarion and Lisel, and fierce Shadouhart, Gale and Will. If you choose a villainous version in Will’s quest and kill Karllah, he doesn’t fall anywhere, it can be persuaded to stay, Olso gives the opportunity to make friends with Mizora and even seduce it in the third act (or rather let her seduce you). If you choose villain-pragmatic options, then you can get to know the Zententashi smugglers and eventually go to Minsk, which will be an absolutist fanatic, even if Jahyeira perches under the curse. Actually – Jaheira can survive or die depending on your decisions.

About why no one knows and is not afraid of me – factual is not true. Harpers in Last Light do not know anything about you, because they stick out in a trap in the middle of a dark curse and have limited ties with the outside world, and even so they heard rumors that the goblins cut out the village of Druids. True Souls in Moonrise Towers about your exploits very much in the know and have a block -free respect on this occasion. Dialogs and the tone that are talking to you "good" And "bad" The passage is noticeably different. In the villainous version of Dark Urge, many know in a past life and are happy or surprised that you have returned and do not mind chatting on this topic.

Olso, it’s difficult and uninteresting to play the villain. Well, it depends on how to play. If you follow the path of banal violence, of course, all the non -pains or epic will die from your hand or go away from an unfriendly maniac. But in the game you can play a very charismatic bastard, which rationally and pragmatically corrupts and rolls its allies into the abyss. Say, with the same masterpiece – if you indulge in its religious fanaticism and not to illuminate the toxicity of her deity, it will turn into a puppet of a ball, enthusiastically kill her own parents and will be completely happy and calm about this. If you score to an injury to Astarion and play along with his vanity and fear, he will sacrifice seven thousand brothers and sisters to become a heartless higher vampire. If you do not besiege God’s complex with Gale and indulge His fantasies, he will still send Naher Mistra and try to use the Crown of Karsus with about the same success that its creator. Even the noble Will can be will be bubbled if you use his sense of duty for destructive purposes, that he will either sacrifice his father to save his soul and feel like a piece of Guan on this occasion, or subscribe him to sacrifice himself, and in this case he will be forever tied to Mizor as a soldier of hell. And the most funny one, they will love and approve the Glavheriru for this.

Karllah Nyashka in any case, but she can also be used for villainous purposes, lie and persuade her all the way so that she does not run away, at the end to let her become ilitide and at the very last moment after enslaving the brain – to enslave her and become an absolute. You can powder the brains of Lisel, support her errors for the sake of supporting the Gitteian in Batla with the army of the Absolute, and she will be devoured by lords in the astral. You can bring Halsin to despair, and he will die from grief in the shadow of the curse. You can force Jaheir to kill yourself. You can leave Minsk with a stubborn fanatic.

Unlike the same DAO or the masses of the effect, where you are even forced to save the world and become a hero, if you want, you can be very good. epic villain in the most direct sense of the word. You can take the side of the dead three and conclude an alliance with them, use them at your discretion, and betray at the right time to seize power yourself. You can manipulate the emperor and Raphael, and gobble up the brains of the first or rob the second. You can accept the legacy of dad and become the embodiment of the god of death on earth, decorating Faerun with the mountains of corpses.

About relations with Will, Gale and Lisel. Vell, if you look at all the Persians and novels with them, they are all written to satisfy certain fantasies of the players. Not everyone loves to chase game, some like it to roll up to them. Actually, this loving trinity was created to show the initiative, at the discretion of the player to reciprocate or not. OLSO, if it succumbs to the tags, everything is not so simple) The ill -fated magic trick of the same Gale that manages to create the illusion of relations with the player, even if you don’t talk to him at all, always ends on a rather awkward note. To bring it to bed and confessions in love, it is required to make the right elections and comply with certain conditions, otherwise everything ends with a pair of playful replicas. And this is true for all romance Persians. Lisel, Astarion and Mintara, for example, do not consider sex a reason for dating at all)